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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Bloglovin' and Google+ Blog Hop Time

Welcome to bloglovin' and blog hopping Thursday once again!  We are so happy to be joining together to bring you the  bloglovin' Blog Hop to help grow our blogs.   It's always a great idea to have many ways for friends to follow your blog. 

Each week we rotate one other social media to follow.  This week we are adding your blog and Google+ along with bloglovin'!  Friends can hop on over to visit your blog.   

A huge thank you to everyone who joined us last week.  We hope you made some new friends! 

Please follow each hostess, and leave us a comment so we can return the follow!   Please follow your hostesses and visit other at least 3 or 4 other links!  

We would love to feature a co-host each week, so please send one of us an email if you would like to be a co-host.  We would love for you to join us!

Please link up your bloglovin' follow link.  To find your URL, just click on your follow by bloglovin' button.  Copy and past the URL link.  That's all there is to it!  

Thank you so much for joining us!  We hope you make many new friends and followers each week.  

Not mandatory, but we would love for you to share our blog hop button.    That's a great way for us to all gain new friends. 


Your Modern Family                                                           ref="nofollow"

Becky @ Your Modern Family                            Doreen @  HouseHoneys  

 Kathe @ Kathe with an E                                      Kathy @ Life on Lakeshore Drive     

My Photo                                             My Photo  

Suzan @ Simply Vintageous                                     Tammy @ One More Time Events   

                                  Caroline @ Love, Caroline   (Co-hostess)


gosia said...

Thanks for the great party, on my way to follow you!
Gosia | Kiddie Foodies

Unknown said...

New follower from Bloglovin' and Google+ Blog Hop Time.


Sheena @ Hot Eats and Cool Reads said...

Thanks for hosting! Following via Bloglovin!

Unknown said...

Hi gals!! Thanks again for an awesome party!!!~~Angela

Stephanie said...

Thanks so much for the party. Have a beautiful weekend, Kathy!

Hugs to you!

Stampin' VMG206 said...

Thanks so much for hosting again this week. Have a great weekend!
~ Megin of VMG206

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting. I have been following you for awhile.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting! I just followed you. :)