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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Pine Cone Tree Tutorial

All the fall Pinterest pins have inspired me to start thinking fall.  I am so ready to say goodbye to this hot, humid weather. It was actually 101 degrees here again today!!  Hurry up fall.  I promised a tutorial on this pine cone tree that I made last fall.  Please excuse my daughter's pink Snuggie on the couch.  :)

I actually made 4 of these trees last year.  Pine cones are definitely plentiful here in the south.  These trees were so fun and easy to make that I just kept on until I ran out of pines cones.  Having five huge Pine trees around my playground at school doesn't help my pine cone addiction.  My students last year saw me picking them up and decided it was so fun that before I knew it, I had bags of pine cones. :)  I apologize that the photos are not that great because they were taken with my phone.  This was before my blogging days, and the only reason I took the photos was to show my students what I made with the pine cones.

Here is the tutorial for making these cute little trees.  Please keep in mind, that our pine cones this year are not plentiful yet, even after hurricane winds.  So I made due with what I could find, and these aren't as pretty.  

The first step is to cut a piece of cardboard. This is actually from a cereal box. Lovely photo, huh?  

Next try to find pine cones that are all about the same size.  There is a smaller one that I used to fill in a small hole at the base.  Using the hot glue gun, just glue securely to the cardboard.  Warning......this project uses lots of glue sticks.  

The next part is like fitting the pieces of a puzzle together.  Layer after layer, glue the pine cones using the size that fits best in each place.  

Here is a side view after three rows of pine cones.  Notice the slight hole in the middle.  You can easily go back later and fill in the holes with tiny pine cones.  At this point, start bringing the cones in some so that the hole is the middle gets smaller as you go up.  This is what makes it narrower at the top.  

You want you inside circle to close in as you go up.   Depending on how fast you close the circle in will determine the height of your tree.  

Almost to the top in the photo below.  I've reached the point where I would've preferred to use smaller cones if I had them.  You can also trim them back if you need them to fit better.  

Here is an up close of the tree from last year.  Notice how I had smaller cones to work with.  

The fun thing about making these trees is that each one comes out looking different.  Even turning it around will sometimes give you a different look.  Here is the finished tree I made yesterday.  Because this is a tutorial, I wanted to show you how to remedy gaps in the tree.  Notice the arrow has a blank spot that needs a tiny pine cone.  Yep, tomorrow I will be searching for that small pine cone to fill that gap.  Just keep working with your tree until you get the desired look you want.  Be sure you remove all the little glue strings, too!  I rushed this project so I could get it posted.  I'm pretty messy with the glue gun.  We won't even talk about how much I have to clean off my kitchen table.  :)

 I am going to share two more trees from last fall, but be warned...they were taken with my phone.

 Here is a small one I put on the top of my kitchen cabinets.   Mr. Ed was not happy something new was in his secret sleeping spot!   I added sparkly ribbon to it for Christmas, and put a few small bows on it.  The photo below is one tree that I placed in front of my fireplace and added ribbon to it.  Notice the gold pine cone on top.  I ran out of small ones and used one that I had sprayed to put in my lanterns.  This year, I think I am going to spray a couple of the trees gold for Christmas.

If you have followed my blog for any amount of time, you know I like to leave you with my lessons learned the hard way.  Number one, when you use decorations for fall and again for Christmas, don't pack them up so you can't get to them!!  Yes, they are wrapped up and stacked behind mounds of Christmas decorations. I plan on tackling that major project this weekend.  Lesson Number 2,  don't store your hot glued trees in the garage when your summer temperatures are in the 100s.  One tree wouldn't fit in my storage closet, not thinking, I put it in the garage.  Let's just say I now have a blob of pine cones loaded with glue.  :)  I think it was probably the tree in the picture above.  I will let you know if I'm able to salvage that project.  I also think I will spray a protective coat on the trees this year.  

I can't wait to see your pine cone trees!  Please feel free to email me if you have any questions that I didn't answer in the tutorial.  I am always here to help. 


To see more winter pine cone ideas, you can check out my Winter Pine Cone Trees here!  

              diy winter pine cone tree


Myric said...

I will definitely be picking up pine cones on the ground from now on. Love this project :)

Hope you could come and join my party this Friday :)


Jana@Transformations From the Heart said...

The pine cone tree is definitely on my to do list as we have a plentiful supply of cones from our pine trees. Been thinking of lots of crafts to make with them for the Fall/Winter decor months.
Your trees look fabulous!

PAINTORDIG.blogspot.com said...

LOVE THESE! I will certainly be trying this project!How didthat cat get up that high? LOL!

Jeanette said...

I love that you made these without using styrofoam for the base! I've got to start picking them up! Wasn't quite 100 here today but the feels like temperature was 116!!! Ouch! Waiting on a cool front that is coming in this weekend. The high on Sunday is supposed to be 86!!! That's FALL in Texas!

Patty @ That's So Pretty said...

Wow Kathy! I will be making this soon! Thanks for the tutorial!

Erin @ Chronic Christian Crafter said...

I'm loving this! Probably going to have to do one of these myself! Thanks for sharing a tutorial!


joy said...

very creative, I might try this one. But I have to start picking the materials. Hi Hi

Kimberly said...

It came out really nice!

Dianie said...

Hi Kathy,

Your pinecone tree is simply stunning.
I LOVE to create with pinecones, and seeing your darling tree has inspired me to get busy on one for our home.
Thanks so much for tutorial.
have a wonderful day.

Carolyn said...

This is a great fall decorating project. Thank you for sharing it with us, I will def. be trying it. We have a lot of pine trees in the woods behind the house, so it's time for a walk!

Unknown said...

Love your tree! I have tons of pine cones.. I must make one:)

Kristie said...

You certainly make is seem easy to do...I'm wondering if I can do it? We don't have many pine cones here in Dallas so I would have to go to Michaels and purchase a bag of them to work with. I might try this and paint the tips of the pinecones silver for Christmas.

Thanks so much for sharing your idea! :)

Gail @Purple Hues and Me said...

Love your trees! Many years ago when I was a cub scout leader and used pine cones in projects, I remember having to put them in the oven to open them. But, I guess that depends on the type of pine tree you get them from. I'm going to try this especially since you don't need a base or form. Thanks for the great tutorial.

Unknown said...

It is such a fun project! Thanks for stopping by, and I will be at the party!!! HUGS

Unknown said...

Thank you so much! It is a great fall decoration, and fun to make. Have a wonderful weekend. HUGS

Unknown said...

Thank you so much! It is a great fall project. That crazy cat jumps from a chair, to a small hutch and then to the top of the cabinets. He loves to run up there. LOL

Thank you so much for stopping by. Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

I live 15 miles from the TX line, so I know what you mean about the heat!! Throw in the humidity and it's awful. At least we know cooler weather is on the way.

I thought about using a base, but decided it would be hard to shape it. Can't wait to see yours. Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

Thank you and you are so welcome. It is a great fall project. HUGS

Unknown said...

Oh, you have to make one! They are such a fun fall project. You are so welcome, and thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend. HUGS

Unknown said...

Thank you so much! :)

Unknown said...

Thank you so much! It is such a fun fall project. Can't wait to see yours! Have a wonderful weekend. :)

Unknown said...

You are so welcome. You have to make one. It's such a fun fall project. Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much! You have to make at least one. LOL Once you get going it's hard to stop. :)

Thank you so much for stopping by, and have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

You can do it!! I remember seeing bags of pine cones at Walmart last year, too! Can't wait to see yours. Silver would be beautiful.

Thanks so much for stopping by. Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

Thank you and you are so welcome! It's such a great way to decorate for fall.

Thanks for visiting and have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

It's such a fun project and great way to decorate for fall! Yep, you better get busy picking! LOL

Thank you so much for stopping by!

Kara @ Petals to Picots Crochet said...

Wow! I love, love, LOVE this idea! So pretty. I am off to collect pine cones now :)

Stephanie said...

I love these! Thanks for sharing the tutorial.

Emily said...

Hi Kathy!
Just found your blog (and am following now), although you've been a follower of my blog for some time. I LOVE the pinecone tree. Will be trying this one out for sure this fall!

Katherine said...

Lovin' this idea! I have been wanting to make something with pine cones (my parents have a ton at their house). Thanks for sharing this!

Liz said...

Great idea! Love it!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much! :)

Unknown said...

Thank you! You can have a blast with all those pine cones. :) I will link it up to your party Monday! I was late getting it posted this week. Have a great weekend. HUGS

Unknown said...

Thank you so much! I love your blog. Can't wait to see yours. I really appreciate the follow, too. :)

Have a wonderful weekend.

Unknown said...

Thank you, and you are so welcome. Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much! It is a great fall project. Go gather those cones up. :)

Thank you for hosting.

Audrey @ DefrumpMe said...

I'm your newest follower, and I'm loving your blog! This pine cone tree is wonderful! Thanks for stopping by our blog and following us. :)

Tammy said...

What a fun project! Great tutorial with good reminders at the end! Thank you for sharing this at Rustic Restorations Weekend!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much! I really appreciate the follow, too. Have a wonderful weekend. :)

Unknown said...

Thank you. Thanks for hosting a great party. :)

Maria Matter said...

oh WOW, this is fabulous Kathy!!!
I have always wanted to make one but have been too intimidated! Thank you so much for the tutorial, maybe I'll tackle it this fall!

Thank you so much for sharing @ Inspire Me Fridays!!
now following your lovely blog!

Shenita @ Embellishments by SLR said...

Kathy, this was a great tutorial! You are really good at these!! I would love to try to make one this year!

Paula said...

What a wonderful fall project!! Thanks for sharing with my NO RULES Weekend Blog Party!


Mariel said...

I love it!! It's been fun checking out your blog! I would love to have you stop by and enter my link party, as well. (Hosted every Saturday) http://www.oneshetwoshe.com/2012/09/hello-weekend-50-mikarose-giveaway.html

Dixie n Dottie said...

So beautiful! You could even use it for winter too! Thanks so much for linking up to our Countdown to Fall link party! Happy weekend! :)

Unknown said...

Thank you so much!! I am headed to link up now. Thanks for the invite, and for stopping by. HUGS

Little Susie Home Maker said...

Yes, loving this idea. I have pine cones every year perfect for this! Hopping from G+ party.

Lois Arnold said...

Kathy, thank you for stopping by Quilts & Other Good Things! I love your pine cone trees! I, too, have learned the hard way about storing things in hot garages! I also learned when we lived in colder climates the glue things don't do well outside. Sigh! There must be a happy medium! I'm following you, too!

Katie Riedel said...

I love the trees! So cute.

I'm hosting a new autumn link party and would love to have you join!


Unknown said...

Thank you so much! Just linked up. Thanks for the invite and the fall party! I love it. :)

Unknown said...

Thank you so much. Never thought about the cold affecting the glue. Wow! I wish the temperature would stay a happy medium year round. :)

Thank you so much following.

Unknown said...

Thank you sweet friend! Isn't the G+ hop fun! So glad you hopped my way. :) HUGS

Unknown said...

Thank you!! Thanks for the fun fall party, too! I love that idea. So many great ideas linked up. :)

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

I have lots of pine cones. I need to give this a try!

donna said...

Hi Kathy. Love your pine cone tree. This blog hop has been so much fun. Thank you so much for stopping by and following me. I am your newest follower. Hope we can keep in touch.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much! Thanks for hosting a great party, too! :)

Unknown said...

Thank you so much sweet friend! They really are fun to make. Thanks for stopping by and your sweet comments. HUGS

Unknown said...

Thank you so much!! They really are easy to make. You can do it. Thanks for hosting a great party.

Liz @ Quirky Vistas said...

Kathy, I just love pinecone projects. It's so fun to make things that cost so little and are so cute! There are so many things you could do with these as far as decorating them goes. Great idea!

Katherines Corner said...

Love it! Thank you for sharing your lovely blog at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. xo

Unknown said...

Totally adorable project! I love how it turned out! :D

I love visitors! Come by and see me some time!
I'm trying to get 100 followers before the end of the month, hope you decide to join me too!

Jennifer said...

I love how you can use this for both fall & winter! Cute! Thanks for stopping by for our Pretty Things Party. Hope to see you again next week!

andrea@townandprairie said...

I love these because they are natural and gorgeous! Just goes to show ya it doesn't have to be store bought to be nice! Great job!

cathy@my1929charmer said...

I'm with you, so over summer, want cool, cool weather please. I have to say your pine cone trees are so darling, and such great texture. I also have to say your Mr. Ed is adorable, he looks perplexed something is in his "sleeping" place. My heart goes out to him, his face really says it all. Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration with Sunday’s Best – you helped make the party a success!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this post, I had to try this one cause I just love anything with pine cones! Turned out great!! Even my husband was impressed. I added walnuts and cranberries to mine for a little but of a color variation. LOVE IT!!

Unknown said...

Oh, you are so welcome! I am so glad it turned out great. It sounds beautiful with the walnuts and cranberries! YAY. I would love to see it. :)

Unknown said...

It is a fun fall project! Thanks for hosting and visiting. :)

Unknown said...

Kathy, these are adorable! I get so many pine cones and run out of ideas! I'm definitely borrowing your idea!! Also, going to be featuring this on Facebook:)
Thanks for joining the party at Keep Calm and Link Up!
Barbara at Chase the Star
chasethestar dot net

Unknown said...

I am so happy to be following your great blog! Can't wait to see more! Thank you so much for visiting and following. HUGS

Unknown said...

Thank you so much! I always look forward to your great party! HUGS

The Thriftiness Miss said...

This is so great! I can't wait to make one :) Thanks so much for sharing this at the Weekend Wonders link party! Hope to see you back on Thursday Have a great day :)

Kathy said...

Kathy this is so very beautiful! And so easy! What a wonderful decor piece to have year round! I appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Great job Kathy! What a fun use of pine cones and thanks for the great tutorial. The kitty is too cute. I know what you mean about packing away. I am still looking for a large crow I wanted to use with my Fall decor. I'm sure it's in with the Halloween but not ready to dig through it all. Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup. I am now following you.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much! I will definitely pack better this year. Well, I say that every year. LOL That kitty is a little stinker. but we love him. :)

Thank you so much for stopping by. :)

Unknown said...

Thank you, Kathy! It really is easy. Thanks for hosting. I hope you are having a great week.

Unknown said...

Thank you! Thanks for the great party, too! I will be there.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much!! I am thrilled to be featured. I can't wait to see yours!! Thanks for hosting, too! HUGS

Unknown said...

Thank you so much! We do love that little stinker, Mr. Ed. LOL He does not like change at all. Thank you so much for hosting, sweet friend. Have a great week. :)

Unknown said...

Thank you! The trees are so fun to decorate with. I think that's why I've made so many. LOL
Thanks for visiting. :)

Pamela said...

What a great project! Thanx for sharing at THT. I can see making a few of these for the holidays.

Christina at I Gotta Create! said...

I LOVE pinecones and your tree is so awesome. It's a great season-spanning piece of decor. You are a featured STAR today over at I Gotta Create! Thanks so much for linking up!


Nicole said...

That is a beautiful idea!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much, and thanks for hosting a great party.

Unknown said...

Thank you! It is a fun project to make. Thanks for hosting a great party. :)

Unknown said...

Thank you so much, and thanks for hosting a great party. I hope to be at the next party. :)

Natalie said...

I love pine cone trees! This project would make such a sweet holiday accent atop a mantel or in a tablescape. I might even add some red ornaments or glitter snow.

I wanted to invite you to share your project on our blog's link party this week. I think it would provide great inspiration to my readers.


Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

Kathy this is fabulous!

Mariel said...

Kathy, Thanks for sharing this with my readers and linking up at Or so she says...! I hope you'll add me to your party list and come back this Saturday! www.oneshetwoshe.com

The Charm of Home said...

Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!

Tarabelle said...

Oh! I love this! I can't wait to make it, i have tons of pinecones around my house. I found you on the blog working link and am following now.

Check me out!



Heidi@OneCreativeMommy.com said...

Though I live in the desert, my kids always manage to find pinecones. This will give me something to do with them! Thanks for joining the party at One Creative Weekend! I hope to see you back tomorrow.

Unknown said...

Wow, you can find pine cones even in the desert. LOL Thank you for hosting a great party! Trying to finish up my project now. :)

Unknown said...

Thank you for hosting! :)

Unknown said...

Thank you so much! It's such a fun project. Just followed your blog. Thanks for following me.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much! So fun to do. Thanks for stopping by. :) HUGS

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for hosting! You are on my party list. Trying to finish up my project so it will be ready. :)

Natasha in Oz said...

Thanks so much for joining in with this week's Say G'day Linky Party! I have just shared this post on Google+

Hope your week has been great!

Best wishes,
Natasha in Oz

Theresa said...

Hi Kathy, Your in the spotlight today! Just wanted you to know & you can pick up a featured button right on the site at the submit/link up page or drop down from about. Need help just let me know & I can email you code & how to.
Theresa @ DearCreatives.com Hope to see you again soon & feel free to link up anytime!

Unknown said...

YAY!! Thank yo so much! I am so honored. :) Headed to get my button. :)

Unknown said...

Thank you so much!! You are such a sweetheart. I'm trying to finish my project so I can link up! See you tomorrow!! XOXO

Unknown said...

Love this!! I shared it on my facebook page!! :) Thanks for linking up:)

Unknown said...

Thank you so much!! I am so excited and honored. Thank you for hosting. Have a wonderful weekend. :)

mail4rosey said...

We have a tree that drops pinecones in our yard, and now we have a project idea for using them! Awesome share!

Jessi @ Practically Functional said...

Oh wow, those are super cute! And they look easy enough to do, I'll have to try it. Thanks for sharing at The Fun In Functional!

Anonymous said...

Just went outside and collected some pinecones to make this .. it is beyond cute ..
Thanks for sharing :)

what is the approx circumference of your circle ?? TIA


Kristin said...

How cute! Love this =)

Visiting from Homemaker on A Dime

Unknown said...

Thank you so much! They are so fun to make. Thanks for stopping by. :)

Unknown said...

Oh, thank you so much! I actually cut a circle out of a large box of cereal. So probably about 8-10 inches. The larger the base, the bigger your tree will be. I have also made smaller bases when I had enough small cones. Hope this helps. Have fun!!! Thanks for visiting. :)

Unknown said...

Thank you, and thanks for hosting!! Have a great week. :)

Unknown said...

Oh, you will have so much fun!! Can't wait to see yours. Have a great week. :)

Katherine said...

Love this pine cone tree! Such a fun project and looks so nice! Thanks for sharing at Gettin' Krafty!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much, and for hosting a great party. HUGS

Our Pinteresting Family said...

Great idea! I just collected a lot of pinecones last week at the beach, so this is wonderful inspiration! Megan

Jennifer Dawn said...

Thanks for sharing! Great tutorial!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much, and a huge thank you for the feature! You made my day. HUGS

Unknown said...

Thank you! It is such a fun project to make. Can't wait to see yours. Thanks for visiting. :)

Christine said...

WOW!! I had no idea they were made that way! Can't wait to make one too!

Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!

Unknown said...

Thank you and thanks for hosting! :)
Have a great weekend.

Kayla's Creations said...

I LOVE this pine cone tree it's really just too stinkin' cute, thanks for the great tutorial, You've been featured today at Sunday Round Up! > http://www.kaylascreationsblog.com/2012/09/sunday-round-up-22.html Have a great weekend!,

-Kayla :)

Unknown said...

Oh, thank you so much!! I am so thrilled and honored! You made my weekend. You have a wonderful weekend, too! HUGS

Etcetorize said...

Thanks so much for sharing your trees at Etcetorize last week. I'll be featuring your project at tonight's Make it Great party. I hope you'll stop by to grab a featured button from the sidebar and link up again!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much!! I am so thrilled and honored. You made my day! See you tonight. :)

ana@carpe_diem said...

This is a great project! I am looking forward making this!

Ana Love Craft said...

I love your pine and the cute photo with the lovely cat! Thanks so much for sharing.
Have a wonderful week!

Hugs from Portugal
Ana Love Craft

Unknown said...

Thank you so much! It is a fun project to do! Can't wait to see yours. Thank you so much for visiting. :)

Unknown said...

Thank you!! We love that cat, but he is a little stinker. HAHA Thank you so much for stopping by!! HUGS

Rose, Happy Home Decorating said...

A 10 out of 10. natural, easy, elegant, cost nothing. perfect! Thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas at our linky party at http://www.finecraftguild.com/ & we love seeing you back there this week with another project!!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much!! It's great to create when it's free. :)

Thanks for another great party, too! HUGS

One More Time Events said...

Again...another beautiful project and great tutorial. Thank you again for linking up to One More Time


Anonymous said...

Thank you Kathy-Love the tree's! I just went in search of my pine cones and hit the jackpot! I can't wait to get started on my Christmas project!!

Warm Regards,

Lindsay Artsy-Fartsy Mama said...

What a great idea!! Looks so cool!
Thanks so much for sharing at Artsy Corner!

Anonymous said...

Lovely pine cone tree!!! I'd love for you to share this and any other crafts at my link party, Submarine Sunday. I hope you'll stop by and link up!


Unknown said...

Thank you, and thanks so much for the invite! So happy to share. :)

Vesna Maric said...

I make similar things using materials from nature. Thanks for the tutorial. I will certainly make some pine cone tree. LOVE THE BLOG.
Greetings from Croatia.
Vesna - Kalipso

Anonymous said...

I am heading outside right now to pick up pine cones in the yard. Thank you so much for sharing this. I think this will be my Christmas tree in my classroom this year!

Joanne @ maisyray said...

Thanyou so much for this tutorial, I've been given a huge bag full of pine cone today, now I know how I can use them

karen@somewhatquirky said...

Nice job Kathy! I really like this!

Stacye H. said...

I have looking for a good pinecone project for a long time and now I have found it. Your trees are beautiful. I live right outside of Chattanooga, TN so pine trees and pine cones are plentiful. Can't wait to make one of these trees.

Shelnihar said...

Me encanto el tutorial bello tenia la idea pero no sabia como hacerlo.. es de gran ayuda tus fotos..cuando tenga listo te los muestro saludos ecuatorianos:-)

Jamie said...

The pine cone tree you have made is stunning! Thank you for taking the time to share the tutorial with us :) I hope it's okay, I've finished a pine cone crafts and decor round-up on my blog and featured your gorgeous tree. You can see it here:


Thank you for sharing:)

Unknown said...

Thank you so much, Karen! They are so fun to make. Thanks for stopping by, too! :)

Unknown said...

Oh, thank you so much! They are so fun and easy to make. We have so many pine trees here, too! I tend to go a little crazy with them. Have fun, and have a Happy Thanksgiving. Thanks so much for stopping by! :)

Unknown said...

Oh, thank you so much! I am so honored that you featured it! Can't wait to check it out. Thanks so much for stopping by, too! Hugs

Stone Cottage Adventures said...

How lovely! There are so many ways to spin this look! I love it! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

Debbie @ MeandMyDIY said...

Holy cow Kathy....I can't decide whether I like these better for fall or Christmas. What a simple idea, to just stack the pine cones on top of each other and glue them down. I would have been messing with trying to make a cone first out of something and glue them to the cone. You're a genius! Pinning this one too. Great job!


Jessica said...

What a great idea! Thank you for the tutorial! I'm putting together a round up of pinecone crafts and wondered if you would allow me to include your link with a picture. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I love your pine cone tree and want to make one. Can you please tell me what size of cardboard circle you used?

Colleen said...

I'm new here but wanted to let you know I love your pine cone trees. Was wondering on how big your cardboard circle is?
Thank you

Salvaged living said...

I love these. I have some made of Christmas ornaments, but I adore pinecones...I see a project in my future! thanks for posting on the #findingfall link up!

Melanie, LostandFoundDecor.com said...

These are great! I have a huge stash of pinecones as well, and now have another idea for how to use them. Thanks for linking up to the Finding Fall Link Party!

Trish said...

I absolutely love the 🌳 and would make one right now but I just made a beautiful large pinecone wreath. Wish I had seen your tutorial first...Thank you and Merry Christmas.

Unknown said...

I have some huge pine cones I collected 15 years ago in California. They are just so beautiful that I haven't been able to part with them and would be fun to do a tree with them. It may be big enough to be "the tree" in the house since I didn't want to set up a traditional pine tree this year. Plus I'm thinking that it would be very pretty outside in the snow with white lights on it! So many possibilities!!

Jasa SEO said...

buah pinus wkwkwkkw http://www.teknonetwork.com/aplikasi-hp/momentcam-aplikasi-membuat-karikatur-kartun-di-android.html

Unknown said...

Hey my name is Cathy, I love your trees, the white,red is my favorite. I will try one this Christmas.
email is cataft1949@gmail.com. Thanks

Unknown said...

Hey my name is Cathy, I love your trees, the white,red is my favorite. I will try one this Christmas.
email is cataft1949@gmail.com. Thanks

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

How big is the cardboard that you cut out for the big and small one?

Andin Elza said...

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MrsRobo said...

I've not seen a tree made without a foam cone. Really intrigued to try this. How'd you attach the tree (cardboard base) to the pot, just hot glue? I have tons of pinecones that I've prepped for projects. Ready to try this! Thanks for sharing.

Marisha said...

I absolutely love these trees, especially the white ones with red accents!! Question tho; do use anything to keep the tree on the base (pot) or does it just sit there on it's own?

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