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About Me

I am so glad you stopped by!  I love making new friends, and blogging has been such an incredible experience to meet new friends from all over the world.  What started out as simply a way to share my crafts, home projects, and recipes has become so much more.  I treasure my friendships that I have made in blog land!

I was born and raised in Missouri, and my parents moved south while I was in college.  I would come visit during breaks, but said I would never move there.  Then I met my husband!  Yep, here I am almost 27 years later living in the south.  It has become home, but I do miss the snow!  

I have been happily married to my wonderful husband for almost 26 years.  He is my best friend and greatest supporter.  We have 2 children who are both in college.  My son just changed his major after 3 years of accounting to sports journalism and sports media.  Since he lives, eats and breathes any sport, he is following his passion.  My daughter is a psychology major, and wants to be a counselor.  She is a worship leader at our church, and has a passion for helping others.  

I have been an elementary teacher for way too many years to count!  Actually, I think I've lost count!  I sure didn't have to worry about third graders bringing their own cell phones to school when I first started teaching!  :)  I love my job, and the joy of watching my student's succeed each year.  

In my free time, I love to craft, read, and make home improvements to our home.  I still have an endless list of  home projects.  One of the reasons I started this blog was to share my projects.  

Thank you so much for stopping by to find out more about me.  I would love for you to join me in the adventures of blogging. 



Anonymous said...

Love your blog we are now following you via bloglovin...see you around :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Life on Lakeshore Drive - We’ve nominated your blog for a Versatile Blogger Award! If you wish to accept the details are here:http://lovenotesrestylestudio.com/2013/02/12/thank-you-for-the-awards/

Unknown said...

What a beautiful site you have. It is so clear that you have an eye for crafting and beautiful things. Found you through the Linkin' with my Ladies Hop and so glad that I did! Thank you for sharing your wonderful talents!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathy. I'm a follower of yours and I just wanted to say happy birthday! Xxxx

Kards by Kathi said...

I was wondering how you got the striped on your caulk lollipops. Thanks.

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Braddie G said...

Hey Kathy, that smile of yours is really beautiful! Hope you doing well. Keep smiling. :-)
Much love,

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