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Saturday, February 9, 2013

A Bouquet of Talent Linky Party #22

It's party time!  Grab your party posts and come join the party!!  If you missed the Pick of the Bunch from last week's party, you can see those fabulous features here.  Thank you so much for sharing last week.   Please accept my apology if I have not visited your link, yet!  One of the things I love most about hosting this party is visiting with my friends.  This has been a super busy week, and I haven't had much free time.  I'm still trying to make my rounds, and I thank you all so much for sharing with us.

My prayers are with all of our friends who are affected by Nemo!  Wow, you've had so much snow!  

The Most Viewed Post last week:


Congratulations to Twelve0eight who shared her awesome Vintage Industrial Message Board!  I adore it, and I love the fork.  So creative!    Be sure and check out her great tutorial.  You did a fantastic job, Tanya! Thank you so much for sharing with us.  

Don't forget to link up to these awesome parties this week!

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Penny @ Penny's Vintage Home said...

Hi Kathy! Just linked up and wanted to stop by and say thanks for hosting! Hope you are having a great week end...hugs, Penny

poppilinnstudios said...

Thank you for hosting, Kathy! Look forward to seeing everyone's creations.

Audrey said...

Thanks for hosting Kathy and have a great evening.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much Kathy for hosting another great party!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the party, Kathy! I hope you are having a great weekend!
Cathy @ Lemon Tree Dwelling

Connie Nelson said...

Hi Kathy! thanks for hosting, have a great weekend :)

Diane | An Extraordinary Day said...

Now that's a creative feature!!
Hope your weekend has been extraordinary!! :D

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Thanks so much for hosting and for stopping by!


Kathe said...

Thanks for yet another fun party Kathy!

Stephanie said...

Hi Kathy,

Thanks for hosting another great party!


Tuula @ Thrifty Rebel Vintage said...

Thanks so much for hosting Kathy! It's always fun to join the party.
Tuula :)

Lorraine @ Cooking for Prince Charming said...

Thanks for hosting! :) Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for hosting! I always love this party :)

Diane said...

Thanks for taking the time to host every week!

Winnie said...

Thank you Kathy for another inspiring party :)

Mel@Mellywood's Mansion said...

Thanks for hosting Kathy xo

With A Blast said...

Thanks for hosting, Kathy! Hope you have a wonderful Sunday :-)

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting :9
Have a super week.

Joy said...

Good Morning! Love the Most Viewed Message Board! I have linked up to today's party- thank you so much for hosting! :)
~Joy from Yesterfood

Anonymous said...

It's no surprise that the message board received the most views...it's a great one! Thanks for hosting...enjoy your Sunday!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for hosting Kathy!! I am excited to see how much everyone liked the message board, have a fabulous week xo Tanya

My Recent Favorite Books said...

So many great link ups!

Thanks for hosting!

Doreen@foxdenrd said...

What a lovely message board! Honestly, it takes my breath away the amount of talent out there! Don't fret about not having time this week Kathy. We all know you're an awesome hostess and do what you can when you can. Thanks so much for taking the time to do this every week! ((hugs))

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot for hosting Kathy! Have a great week.

Christi said...

Thanks for hosting a fantastic party! have a great weekend!

SewSweetVIntage said...

Hi, Found your party through Sunday Social:) http://www.sewsweetvintage.com/2013/02/lombard-gable.html

Jenna said...

Thanks for hosting! Have an awesome week!

Jenna @ http://rainonatinroof.com

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for hosting!

Happy Valentines Day,

The Busy Bee's said...

Hi Kathy,
Thanks for hosting this great party. Hope you have a great week.

The Busy Bee's,
Myrna and Joye.

Unknown said...

Just found your link party today and I a so excited that I was able to link up!

Thanks for hosting :)

I'd love for you to stop by and link up a few of your fav projects or recipes at my weekend link party @The Weekend re-Treat

Hope to see you there and I'll see you back here again soon for another one of your parties!

orson said...

I'd love for you to stop by and link up a few of your fav projects or recipes at my weekend link party.Just found your link party today and I a so excited that I was able to link up!Hope to see you there and I'll see you back here again soon for another one of your parties!
first dui in Fairfax