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Saturday, January 5, 2013

First Party of 2013 Bouquet of Talent #17

I am so excited to be hosting our very first party of the new year!  I wonder how long it will take me to remember to write the date 2013?  I hope everyone is having a great weekend.  

I have a question for you all!  How do you feel about the new link up versions of  Inlinkz?  I am on the fence somewhat.  Maybe it's  just because old habits are hard to break, and I tend to stay in my comfy zone when changes come.

I love the new layout look of the newest version.  I don't like to copy and paste my links with the new version, and add all my email info. each time I link up.  So, for the time being, I am staying with the old tried and true version.  I would love to know how you feel about it.

For next week's party, we will go with the "majority rules" version next week!  I can't wait to see which version wins!!  :)

If you missed the Pick of the Bunch Fabulous Friday Features, you can see the amazing talent here.

Now it's time for the most viewed post last week!   Congrats to Suzan from Simply Vintagous who had the most viewed post from our last party of the year!   If you don't follow her blog, you are missing so much!  She will keep you laughing with her wonderful sense of humor, and in awe of her marvelous talent!  Love that sweet lady!!!

Hutch Makeover

***A  very special note to Oh.Scrap.That, tell your hubby he was only one vote behind as the most viewed!  :)

Don't forget to link up to these other great linky parties this week!

One More Time Events

Tammy at One More Time on Sunday

Kathe With an E
Kathe with an  E on Tuesday

Let's ring in the first party of the new year right, and show off your latest creations!

I want to thank you for partying with us at A Bouquet of Talent each week.  There are so many parties out there, and I am truly honored you party with us!



Kathe said...

Suzan is a flippin' genius! Happy New Year Kathy! I look forward to partying with you in 2013 :-)

Anonymous said...

Wohoo! I'm loving the new look Kathy! The color is just the perfect Lavender. Thanks so much for hosting! :D


Unknown said...

Thanks so much - you're simply the best!
So happy to be here again next week -
Much love,
and Kathe with an E - you are too too funny - I'm the farthest thing from a flippin' genius you're ever going to meet lol

Jodi said...

Its cool, Suzan and her amazing talent well deserves it too :) (we both like to be silly and she is super awesome :) thanks for the shout out!

Katie Drane said...

Thanks so much for hosting and congrats to Suzan!!


Stephanie said...

Thanks for hosting and happy new year to you :)


Tuula @ Thrifty Rebel Vintage said...

Thanks so much for hosting Kathy! Suzan is just amazing! I'm not surprised her post was most viewed. Happy New Year and looking forward to partying all year long!!

Unknown said...

Yes, she is a genius! I love everything she does. Happy New Year to you, too! I am trying to get back into my routine after my vacation. :) Thanks so much for partying with us!


Unknown said...

I am loving my new look, too! She did a great job! Thank you so much for partying with us!


My Recent Favorite Books said...

What a wonderful party! =)

Thanks for hosting!

With A Blast said...

Love your new blog design ! Thanks for hosting, Kathy :-)

Winnie said...

Thanks for the party Kathy
I hope you're having a good weekend

Unknown said...

Thank you for hosting, I too love your new look. I'm going to have my first link party Tuesday, hope you'll come. Have a great week.
Wanda Ann @ Memories by the Mile

Anonymous said...

Hey friend.gonna be so much fun in 2013!..thanks for the jump start!
~Jo @LoblollyLane

Valerie Earnest said...

Hi Kathy- I just found you through the google plus hop and am linking up here for the first time. Happy to find another craft/diy blog to read! Following you now (missdarcy130

Valerie- www.occasionallycrafty.com

ana@carpe_diem said...

Hi Kathy!
I love your new look, great colors, great design!
I myself like this inlinkz linky tool - I wasn't able to link to your link parties for the past 3 weeks, but not only yours, all blogs that use arvixededicated link tools! why, I don't know, I blamed my ADSL lines so far.
Anyway, I am glad I am here again.
Have a great week!

Audra @ Renewed Projects said...

I love the new look. :) Either posting method works for me.

Ana Love Craft said...

Hi Kate, I love the new look and purple is one of my favourite colors. Thanks for hosting the fun party!!!
Have a great Year!

Hugs from Portugal,

Ana Love Craft

Lori Vachon said...

Thank you for hosting, this is our first visit!

Anne said...

LOVE the new look of your blog!Thank you so much for hosting too!

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting!!

Have an awesome week!!

Hun.... WFD said...

Hi Kathy! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Came by to return the follow :o)

Judy said...

Hello Kathy! Thank you for following my blog. I'm now following back. Have a great evening.

Denise @ Soup Spice Everything Nice said...

Hey! Kathy, So glad to meet you. Getting Social Sunday has been great fun. I look forward to following you. Great to meet you. Have a great week!

Unknown said...

Hi Kathy,
Thanks for hosting and all the very best for 2013!

Anonymous said...

Hi there! Following you back on "Linky" and Google+. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Katie from Dysfunction Junction

Unknown said...

You are so welcome!! Kathe and I love you!! :) Thank you so much for sharing again this week. I hope you have an awesome week.


Unknown said...

You are so welcome! Thank you so much for sharing. That Suzan is a hoot!! Have a wonderful week. :)

Unknown said...

You are so welcome, and thank you for sharing again this week. Have an awesome week. :)


Unknown said...

You are so welcome, and thank you so much for sharing! Have a wonderful week. :)

Unknown said...

hey kathy!!
thanks for visiting me. i am visiting, following and linking up! :)
Happy new year!!!

Unknown said...

You are so welcome, Tuula! That Suzan is amazing and so hilarious. Gotta love her. Ha Have a wonderful week. :)

Unknown said...

You are so welcome, and thank you so much for sharing. So thrilled to have you. Have a wonderful week. :)

Unknown said...

Thank you, Linda! I needed a new "do"! LOL Thank you so much for sharing!!
Have a wonderful week. :)

Unknown said...

You are so welcome, Winnie. Thank you so much for sharing again this week, sweet friend. :)

Unknown said...

Thank you! I would love to link up at your first party! Congratulations. I will see you there. :)

Unknown said...

Yes, we are!! It's going to be a blast!! Thank you so much for sharing, and have a wonderful week. :)

Unknown said...

YAY! I am so happy to have you! Thank you so much for sharing. Have a wonderful week. :)


Unknown said...

Thank you, Ana! Hmmm, I knew something was wrong, because I always look forward to your posts. I do use Inlinkz, but I was afraid it wasn't redirecting you to the new domain. I did have trouble with that! So glad you are back!! I missed you. Thank you so much for sharing and have a wonderful week.


Unknown said...

Thank you! I am loving the new look. Thanks so much for sharing, too! Have a wonderful week. :)


Unknown said...

Thank you, Ana!! I am loving the new look. Thank you so much for sharing this week. Wishing you the best year ever!!


Unknown said...

You are so welcome! I am so thrilled to have you share! Have a wonderful week. :)


Unknown said...

Thank you, Anne! Thanks so much for sharing, too! Always so happy to have you here! Have a wonderful week. :)


Unknown said...

You are so welcome, Evelyn!! Thank you sooo much for sharing! So thrilled to have you. Have a wonderful week!!


Unknown said...

Thank you so much!! So thrilled to have you follow. I love your blog!!! Have a wonderful week. :)

Unknown said...

Thank you so much! You have a wonderful week, too! :)

Unknown said...

Hi! Thanks so much! I love making new friends. I can't wait to visit with you more! Have a wonderful week. :)

Unknown said...

You are so welcome, Judy! Thank you so much for sharing. Have a wonderful week.


Unknown said...

Hi! Thank you so much for stopping by and following! Can't wait to visit with you more! Have a great week. :)

Unknown said...

Hi! Thank you so much, and so thrilled to have you link up! Have a wonderful week. :)

Treat and Trick said...

Thanks so much for visiting and leaving your sweet comment. Have linked up my Monkey Bread from scratch. Will be back to discover more...

Taylor {CoverGirl + Converse} said...

This is genius, love it! Great post.
CoverGirl + Converse

Michelle said...

Love the post! Your blog layout is so pretty! You have the cutest blog!

Peonies + Ballet Flats

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Thanks so much for hosting each week!!


Unknown said...

Thank you for hosting! I just found you through Kathe with an E :)

~Kirsten @ One Tough Mother

Crafts a la Mode said...

thanks for the party, Kathy. Wonderful makeover, too. Love it. Take care, Linda

jameshendry said...

The "First Party of 2013 Bouquet of Talent #17" is the seventeenth edition of the event, showcasing artists and talents in various fields like visual arts and literature. The event serves as the inaugural event of the year, fostering a sense of artistic camaraderie and providing a space for talents to shine. The event showcases the vibrant spirit of creativity and community, showcasing the power of online gatherings.
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